9 thoughts on “Come Celebrate Women’s History Month with me!

  1. This is off topic, but my wife, Barbara (Hadden) and myself Marty Rossman, visited Wayside Cottage and had a memorable tour and a brief history of Scarsdale. We were told that a planned installment of plaques for Rose and her son was scheduled to take place this May. We were hoping to attend, but have yet to be contacted for a proposed date. Barb’s email address:mrozbarbarah@gmail.com and mine is:martinrossman30@gmail.com

    Looking forward to hearing back from you and attending the installment celebration.

    Marty and Barb (Hadden) Rossman


    1. Hi, thanks for reaching out. I’m not connected to the Wayside Cottage in any way, though, so won’t be able to help you find out about the plaque installments. Do you remember who gave the tour?


  2. I am looking forward to seeing this exhibition on remarkable women in an around Ossining. I hope that next year the list of local women being honored will include Narcissa Vanderlip, a leading force in the suffragist movement in the first decades of the last century and then a leader in expanding health care services to women and children in New York and across the country.


    1. You bet!! There were so many remarkable women to choose from — but Narcissa Vanderlip is most definitely on my list for next year. Do you have a connection to her and/or would be willing to chat briefly about her life and accomplishments?


      1. No “connection,” except that we live down the road from Beechwood and my daughter wrote her college thesis about Narcissa, so I’ve learned quite a bit about the Vanderlips. Would be happy to chat.


  3. This is so terrific, Caroline. Thank you so very much for all your hard work and brainpower putting it together. You write in such an engaging manner that you bring history to us in entertaining new ways. We’re fortunate to have you as our Town Historian.


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